Baby Ballet (ages 18mos-3.5 years)

Fridays at 11:30-12pm
A toddler's introduction to classical ballet for children ages 18 mos-3.5 years and one caretaker. This is a great introductory class for your youngster that includes props and exercises to introduce young children to music, rhythm & creative movement.
Dance attire recommended for the little ones. Caretakers can wear anything they're comfortable moving around in. Caretakers will need to move with their child and cannot wear street shoes on the dance floor.
For safety, and in order to have a productive class for all participants: Only 1 caretaker per child may attend (This includes in the lobby.)
Baby Ballet is also offered as an academic term class for students who are ready to dance independently with their caretaker outside of the room. Students enrolled in the full academic term may choose to participate in our spring recital. As space is limited to 8 dancers, priority placement in Baby Ballet is given to those students enrolled for the full academic term. To register for the full academic here click here.
A toddler's introduction to classical ballet for children ages 18 mos-3.5 years and one caretaker. This is a great introductory class for your youngster that includes props and exercises to introduce young children to music, rhythm & creative movement.
Dance attire recommended for the little ones. Caretakers can wear anything they're comfortable moving around in. Caretakers will need to move with their child and cannot wear street shoes on the dance floor.
For safety, and in order to have a productive class for all participants: Only 1 caretaker per child may attend (This includes in the lobby.)
Baby Ballet is also offered as an academic term class for students who are ready to dance independently with their caretaker outside of the room. Students enrolled in the full academic term may choose to participate in our spring recital. As space is limited to 8 dancers, priority placement in Baby Ballet is given to those students enrolled for the full academic term. To register for the full academic here click here.