Creative Movement/Dance Movement Therapy
Integral Ballet has board-certified Dance Movement therapists* on staff for group and private instruction/therapy. Therapists are members of the American Dance Therapy Association. For information, please contact the office at 516-442-1590.
What is dance/movement therapy?
Dance-movement therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses movement and dance for the treatment of behavioral, emotional, social and physical conditions. DMT has gained popularity since its inception in the 1950's as an effective form of treatment for individuals with developmental, medical, social, physical, and psychological impairments.
Specialized treatments of DMT can help cure and aid many types of diseases and disabilities and treatment is often covered by health insurance providers.
Therapists specialize in working with students with:
Impulsive Behavior
Body Image Issues
Eating Disorders
* According to the ADTA: The Dance/Movement Therapy Certification Board Inc., an affiliate of the ADTA, follows standards of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE). The DMTCB awards the R-DMT (Registered Dance/Movement Therapist) to individuals who have completed a master's degree in dance/movement therapy or to individuals who have attained at least a master's degree plus 45 credits of specific dance/movement therapy curriculum. All candidates must complete a 700 hour supervised clinical internship in dance/movement therapy.
BC-DMT is awarded only aftter the R-DMT has completed hours of supervised, professional clinical work and passed a certification exam. BC-DMTs are qualified to teach, provide supervision and engage in private practice.
What is dance/movement therapy?
Dance-movement therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses movement and dance for the treatment of behavioral, emotional, social and physical conditions. DMT has gained popularity since its inception in the 1950's as an effective form of treatment for individuals with developmental, medical, social, physical, and psychological impairments.
Specialized treatments of DMT can help cure and aid many types of diseases and disabilities and treatment is often covered by health insurance providers.
Therapists specialize in working with students with:
Impulsive Behavior
Body Image Issues
Eating Disorders
* According to the ADTA: The Dance/Movement Therapy Certification Board Inc., an affiliate of the ADTA, follows standards of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE). The DMTCB awards the R-DMT (Registered Dance/Movement Therapist) to individuals who have completed a master's degree in dance/movement therapy or to individuals who have attained at least a master's degree plus 45 credits of specific dance/movement therapy curriculum. All candidates must complete a 700 hour supervised clinical internship in dance/movement therapy.
BC-DMT is awarded only aftter the R-DMT has completed hours of supervised, professional clinical work and passed a certification exam. BC-DMTs are qualified to teach, provide supervision and engage in private practice.